Joomla! & WordPress Consulting

You know your business, we know technology - Let's talk.

Joomla! & WordPress Consulting
As Joomla! and WordPress specialists Wintercorn can help you define the right web strategy for your business, avoid common mistakes, address any issues that need clarification and put the plan in action. And then look after it all while you run your business.

Our clients projects are an exercise in problem solving. They involve soft considerations like business strategy, goals and objectives as well as hard constraints like time, money, and people and process concerns like meetings, roles, and milestones.
Though we are usually called upon to design websites, what distinguishes Wintercorn from other firms is our understanding of the business process, from plan to launch and funding right through to exit. We've worked in startups, venture capital firms and established companies.
We've even been asked to provide technical testimony for court cases involving previous developers.
We believe that everything rests on good research, planning and testing. Many people believe that using the newest technology will make or break a project - we believe that technology is only a tool, to be used as and when each situation demands. Some projects require only a simple solution, others more complex.

We can help in the following ways:

Strategy Consulting

It’s vital that your website fully supports your organisation’s corporate strategy and we offer specialist, unbiased advice to help you achieve this.

We’ll typically work with members of your senior management and marketing teams to gain a full understanding of your organisation’s business objectives – short, medium and long-term - and how they apply online.

We’ve delivered online consultancy for organisations large and small alike, in sectors ranging from non-profit to leisure and government.

Assessment Review

Would you benefit from an expert assessment of how well your website is performing? Are you looking to increase ROI, performance or usability?

You may have experienced security problems or technical issues. Or perhaps you’d simply welcome an objective view of areas where you can make improvements?

Our track record includes repurposing corporate websites following a merger, consolidating unused sites in to a main domain and creating new sites to meet market demands.

Return To Specification

We often see sites which have been built by inexperienced developers that fail to meet the basic specifications drawn up at the start of the project.

Our experience has included taking sites back to the original functionality specified and repairing problems caused by using inappropriate extensions, coding or workflows.

Combined with User Experience Research (UX) we can determine what your site visitors want, how they are using the site and how it can be improved.

In short, if your website isn't adding value to your business then we need to talk.

Consulting projects in the last 12 months include
  • Website performance analysis
  • Web technology and trends report
  • Automated mailing system integration
  • Accessibility and usability analysis
  • Social media auditing and security
  • Due diligence of online assets
  • Return to specification for a failed project
  • Updating a network of WordPress sites
  • Integration with Salesforce CRM
  • Adding ecommerce to an existing site
  • Analysis of a previous dev build for legal action

Need advice or assistance?

Ask us for a no obligation proposal to outline your requirements

About Us

Wintercorn are Joomla! and WordPress specialists based in Norwich but with clients across the U.K., Europe, Middle East, Australia and the United States.

We build, manage and support mission-critical Joomla! and WordPress sites for professional organisations around the globe who care about their brand.

It's all we do, every day. 


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